Gustavo and Maria Luisa Arroyo
One only needs to walk into the home of Gustavo and Maria Luisa Arroyo to know they are perfectionists at heart; their small and humble home is lit up from within with colorful effigies of the Virgin Mary framed with delicate miniature strings of light.
Within seconds of being invited into their home, they proudly lead you to their kitchen were they have layers upon layers of plates and cups in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors and designs. Some are their own dinnerware; others are showpieces used to display to those few who know where and how to find them. They invite you to sit down at their table where one is quickly blown away by the very obvious laboriousness of their work.
Gustavo and Maria Luisa do not mold the pieces they use; what sets them apart is the unique artistry they add to each piece or set of dishes they paint. Thousands of dots decorate the areas within the designs of their work. They prefer to work outside in the sun, under the plentiful shade their fruit trees offer. Bent over their dishes for hours at a time they painstakingly work side by side dotting their work –hence “punteado” style (dotted), always slowly and with much diligence.
And although the small village in Michoacan they live in is well known for its terracotta ware, Gustavo and Maria Luisa do not join their neighbors in displaying their pieces along the sides of the road for the tourists passing by. Their work has won numerous statewide awards, and they prefer to keep their unique style a secret.