Sra. Candelaria
Our first few orders with Sra. Candelaria were tentative; but the demand quickly grew, and now I pick up almost one hundred small Catrinas per visit. Sra. Candelaria is very proud of her work and she loves to show it off. When I arrive to her home, she quickly leads me through a plant filled corridor to her workshop; and there, arranged on a table, are the most stunning models I have ever seen. Dozens of Catrinas pose, staring at me, all dressed in their unique and very colorful dresses. Some peak at me from under their feathered hats, others clutch bouquets of flowers in their hands, a few even have a baby swaddled in a sarape on their back. Yet what doesn’t cease to surprise me is the variety of the colors, the style of the dresses, the positioning of the arms and hands –no two are alike, ever! Sra. Candelaria designs a runway that is really a pleasure to admire!